Produced by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (“The LEGO Movie,” “21 Jump Street”), and created and written by Julius “Goldy” Sharpe (FAMILY GUY, “The Grinder”), the new comedy MAKING HISTORY follows three friends (Adam Pally, Leighton Meester, Yasir Lester) from two different centuries as they try to balance the thrill of time travel with the mundane concerns of their present-day lives.
Can Dan, Chris and Deborah save America as we know it? Can a woman from 1775 adapt to life in 2017?
MAKING HISTORY is produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The series was created and written by Julius Sharpe. Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Sharpe, Seth Cohen and Jared Hess (“Napoleon Dynamite”) are executive producers on the series. Hess directed the pilot.